July 27-29, 2007

Ledbetter, KY


Jim Forrester, David Emsley, Joe Reimann and Ken Read

Diane Brown, Clint Gipson, and Bob Brown

Janet Englehart, Casey Youngblut, Sharon Dohe and Diane Brown

Bob Schaffer, Lloyd Roberts, Clint Gipson and Steve Jones

Bob Brown, Gary Manley, Mrs. Schupert, Sharon Dohe and Diane Brown

Ken Read, Joe Reimann, Bob Brown, Gary Manley, Larry McCain, Dennis Englehart, Jeri McCain, Jim Forrester

Doug Ball, Jerry Vile, Fred Peterson

Kathy and Doug Ball

Clint Gipson, Joe Reimann, Bob Brown, and Larry Dohe

Monte Poague and Larry Dohe

Clint Gipson, Jim Forrester, Dan Bishop and Larry Dohe

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schubert

Cathie and Ken Read

Back to us: Ron Youngblut, Mike Ferrari, Dan Bishop, Dennis Englehart, and Ken Read

Art and Judy DuBois

Larry McCain and Carrie Briggs Harper

Dan Bishop and Steve Jones

Ron Youngblut and Wayne Cantrel

Jane Schaffer, Lloyd Roberts, back of Clint Gipson

Clint Gipson and Steve Jones

Clint Gipson, Bob Brown, Diane Brown, back of Lloyd Roberts

Jim Herman and Denise Jones with Poague in background

Lexie, Jerry Vile and Jeri McCain

Bob Schaffer and Lloyd Roberts

Mrs. Cantrell, Mike Ferrari, Wayne Cantrell and Dan Bishop

Sharon Dohe and Diane Brown

Dennis Englehart and Mike Ferrari

Bob Brown and Doug Ball

Rudy Gonzales, Bob Brown, Lloyd Roberts

Cathie and Ken Read

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cantrell their first 35th and 538th reunion

Ron Youngblut, Joe Reimann and Emsley

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